Even a small defective plug or adapter can make the tour very difficult, which is why I go through all possible scenarios over and over again before the tour. What if the charger for one of the various camera batteries is defective, if an adapter breaks or the solar panel no longer works? What is certain is that you won't find a solution for every possible problem, but it doesn't hurt to think about it before the tour.
Often improvisation is required. Like, for example, on my last tour to the Himalayas, where the only available adapter for the connection between an external high-performance battery (also known as a power bank) and a solar panel broke, a disaster. After all, it was no longer possible to charge the power bank and since it provided the various output voltages for the various technical devices, an elementary part of my equipment was no longer functional. In such cases it is a great advantage if you have a technical background or at least one technical talent. I was able to solve the problem in a few minutes by simply cutting off the adapter and loosely connecting the cable ends to the adapter - only a temporary measure - but only the functionality that counted again!

Manchmal ist Improvisation gefragt
You should also be prepared and appropriately equipped for other emergency situations, such as accidents. I always have a satellite-based emergency call system in my backpack, so I can call for help at any time and anywhere on earth if it should be necessary. I have also extensively tested this equipment in the last few days, are the configured phone numbers and e-mail addresses correct? Is the device's battery ok? I then sent some messages to see if everything worked as required.

Das satellitengestützte Notrufsystem ist ein wichtiger Helfer in Notsituationen
Good preparation increases the likelihood of a successful tour enormously and should be an integral part of every adventure!